Friday, April 25, 2008

Wrap up

This is it~ two-month rotation ends today. I still can't believe I'm heading back.

This morning I worked with a MS3 student from UCSF. Finally I got to see how med students behave here and the stark contrast with what I'm used to.

  1. They are confident, nearly never back out. They step forward without indications.
    They seize every possible learning opportunity.
    compared with Taiwan, med students are always waiting for their cue. We do what we're asked or "allowed" to do. When I did Anes internship in VGHKS, I had to get approval from residents to intubate patients. Here, you just grab everything and start.
  2. They are proactive. But I don't think I have problem with that.
  3. It's interesting to see how they interact with attending. You don't have to be very polite here, to be honest. But I don't feel comfortable acting that way. You don't have to ask permit on everything. Feel free to walk out the room or whatever.
  4. They are independent. It's students' responsibility to find opportunity. No one will care if you learn anything or not. It's cruel for newcomers but that's the way it is. The earlier you realize you're on your own, the better you fit in.

What I see and want to practice is their attitude. But how am I going to incorporate into hospital culture in Taiwan is an art. Smart and aggressive are not very good compliments in Asian society, whereas, in order to stand out in America you need to always act forward.

Hope I can do better in the future. Primary goal is to shorten my learning curve in each rotation!

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