Friday, April 04, 2008

[medicine] Any better?

Today I worked in OR, finally got the chance to see how Anesthesia functioning..
Honestly, I'm sort of disappointed...

the first surgery I went was hepatectomy due to colon cancer mets. there's supposed to be plenty blood loss, so CVC, A-line and two IV lines were given.
The patient also had epidural catheter for pain management.

total preparing time was almost 1.5hr, including 20 mins of epidural catheter placing, 20 mins induction/intubation, 20 mins CVC and patient position/monitor.
I was surprised preparation took so long. For example CVP, they needed ultrasound guiding and time to think what's next. If I weren't have trouble with insurance, I'd really like to try my "Taiwanese way".

the second surgery was TAH+BSO+partial cyctectomy on a patient with urachal CA.
I didn't get involved in induction though, but it's really bloody when I stepped in.

What really impressed me today were better equipment and medication.
In surgery, they don't use prolene for skin closure but staples, which saves time.
They have better epidural kit, better sterile CVC kit and even IV catheter.
Disposable ET stylet, latex-free gloves(GREAT! I am allergic to latex), fog-proof masks, better 3-M tapes...... certainly safer working environment.
However I don't see better skills or better arrangement to go with those equipments. I think of my Anes residents in VGHKS when watching sono guide CVC placement here.

I hope my rotation will get better after this week. I need to overcome my communicating fear though and try to think everything in English.
My director is actually Taiwanese but he never talks to me or shows any concern. Anyway, that's his issue.

well, make the most use of everyday~ it costs money!

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