Sunday, May 04, 2008

[Food] Alcohol

I started to have alcohol beverage recently. I didn't appreciate it at all before, it's just so ethanol.
but, you know, once you're in USA, it's hard to get away from alcohol. It's basically everywhere, in all kinds of celebration, parties and events. The effect is favorable, people get more relaxed and talkative with it, and it brings more fun.

I had very delicious beer and wine in California with my friends.
The trip to Napa Valley open the door to the world of wine: Syrah, Cabernet and Zinfandel are by far my favorite grape species. Syrah has peppery aftertaste, Cabernet is fruity with a touch of oak flavor and Zinfandel has berry taste and goes very well with juice.
I'm happy to tell the major difference among grapes and I believe more training is need for a sharper taste bud.
what need to be overcome first is my poor alcohol tolerance. Seems that my parents didn't pass me their Aldehyde DeHydorgnase genes and my collateral pathway hasn't been set up yet.
well, it's good that just a small amount of alcohol is sufficient to bring me relax and euphoria.
at least I know what can put me to sleep right away.

coffee, tea and now alcohol. I'm a really health young female.

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